December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011!!!

Hi there!.

I'm glad because finally I decided what to do to celebrate New Year's Eve. I'm going camping to Sarapampa's beach. I've read is a wonderfull beach. I'll post about this later. I usally don't like to celebrate but I've changed my mind since I believe in the Atraction Law. A lot of good things happens to me when I apply it. And specially this year I feel I want to celebrate life, this year has been terrible in many aspects for example:

I was aassaulted, I was defrauded by some friends for a lot of money, I fall in love in a stormy relationship, I got very sick (i was in emergency many times and daily at the hospital), I almost lost my job and  for many other things I can't reveal I really felt like I was going to die, I swear you it was like living in a nightmare, but now is all OVER. I do not have more debts, I'm taking care of my health, I feel atracted by men again, I got a promotion in my job, I feel happy for living and I'm conscious the bad things only happen in our mind. They are opportunities to grow up.

In this post I want to leave you a message for this important event in our life:

A new year is a new beginning, it's the time to close the book and start at the blank page before everything could happen.  Behind,  remains the tears you sheded for pain, love, stress......those tears are part of the air you breathe every single day. We can't change what we have done wrong, either what we have been, but at this point, the future if you want so. The Now is now and you are not crying anymore.


  1. I just randomly discovered your blog after typing in a google search about working in Peru. I live in Canada and have always wanted to visit your beautiful country. My goal is to rent an inexpensive apartment for a month, I would prefer to live in the country, but I have to do more research.

    If you're ever cold, just know that in parts of Canada it's minus 25 Celcius!


  2. Hi! I'm very happy you found my blog. Be sure you will find interesting information here. I don't know the reassons why you prefer to live in the country but I'd suggest you the city.

    By the way, I'm no cold. In Peru is summer!

    Hope to hear more from you,

